Usenet question

July 28th, 2013

I used to search for a movie and got a hit, but it says that a password is required. I assume this is for the rar file. How can I get the password? I succesfully downloaded another movie without such a pw requirement but have no other usenet experience really.
Do I need to go to the message in the newsgroup to find the pw? I tried to do this with newsflash reader but I only got a list of files it seems that are downloaded when you click on them, but no message like you have on a forum…

Answer #1
I found it. The pw is required for the rar file, but a text file is also included with the download which sends you to a site where you need to complete a survey in order to get the pw…
Answer #2
Get a vip account on NZBmatrix, cheap and worth it


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