360 softmodding.

October 18th, 2013

Well i just got a new Xbox and was Wanting to mod my old one since the drive doesnt really want to work anymore unless there is a disc in it at ALL times its almost impossible to get it back out after a disc is out of it lol…well.. was wondering if anyone knows of a tut somewhere out there that would have a step by step guide on how to modding it so i can get Downloaded games and emulators on it..
any easy way to do it?

Answer #1
That is what your average joe will do, what you were mentioning was the J-tag mod, its not for the fainthearted.
Lots of little tracks for you to solder and NAND flash reprogramming.
Not that if its worth it for an old console, as it may get RROD’d eventually and that is a waste of effort.
Answer #2


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