April 10th, 2020
I wanna buy antivirus for android mobile phone.
I have shortlisted BullGuard and Kaspersky.
1) Do you have any other suggestions for mobile antivirus softwares?
2) From where can I get mobile antivirus at discounted rates? Are there any websites who offer them at cheap price?
Answer #1
Avast mobile security. Works great and it’s free.
Answer #2
Never had …
April 8th, 2020
can a 360 without a hard drive be flashed?
Answer #1
Flashing the Xbox 360 doesn’t need a HDD at all to begin with. All you need is that Xbox 360 DVD drive, if you don’t have a connectivity kit, you have to drag that Xbox 360 along with the DVD drive powered using the case and grounded via alligator … Read more...
April 7th, 2020
I just got a dvd burner, and I am using a program called AVI DIVX to DVD convertor. I am using Nero to burn the dvd’s. It seems that when i covert the avi’s to dvd’s they come in two parts and when i put them on to a dvd, after it switches to part two the audio goes out … Read more...
April 6th, 2020
Hello, Today I have quite the unusual set of questions. This forum is mostly technology related but I’ve been here long enough that there are some good Samaritans willing to help a friend out.
Im directing this question to people that know about setting up a business in the UK.
My friend and I wanted to set up a pizza … Read more...
April 6th, 2020
Can anyone please suggest me any tool or software to decrypt RSA-2048 bit encrypted files.
Any kind of help is greatly appreciated.
Answer #1
this may help
Answer #2
thanks for a bit more details,but i guess there is no solution out there
Answer #3
What do you mean no solution? You can extract the private key from … Read more...
April 4th, 2020
I have tried to make copies of both Syriana and Da Vinci Code dvds. Everytime I have failed as somehow the hard-coded english subtitles are lost. I have used DVD Shrink/DVD Decryptor/DvdFab HD Decryptor in this endeavor and nothing has worked. If anybody can help me with this endeavor I would surely appreciate it. Thanks.
Answer #1
Moved to Helpdesk
April 4th, 2020
I was splitting my data storage partition of my HDD when my mum restarted the computer while i wasnt in the room because it had “frozen” and now I cant access my storage files (music, pictures, videos etc!) and I dont know what to do! it says “D:\ is not accessible” and when I open Acronis Disk Director its shown … Read more...
April 3rd, 2020
I am trying to install cydia on a non-jailbreak iphone and i am having a lot of trouble. First i tried the vssh method but when i try to connect i am getting error “failed to connect: operation not permitted”. Next i found a cydia .ipa file and tried to put it on my phone using xcode but i get … Read more...
April 1st, 2020
When I turn on my computer, I keep getting this message ” STacSV Module Stopped Working and was Closed ”
I have Windows XP on a dell xps 400.
i didnt use the windows xp that came with the system. i just put a windows xp fresh and installed the drivers.
can someone help make this message go away.
i …