August 5th, 2016

Hi i was just looking and noticed that it was 65!!!! links to get crysis and its gunna take me like 20 mins to past all of theose and i wanted to know if there whas a program to autodownload the links and another thing y are all the links in the code boxes and y are thair 65?
Answer #1
just get flashget, then you can copy all the links then go onto flashget and push ctrl+v and it will paste all the links onto it, then you add the directory you want and your use and pass and they will download, works better if you set max download to 1 in my opinion. To make this work you need to have direct downloads enabled in your rapidshare account
there are 65 of them because the max file size on rapidshare is 100mb so they need to be split
Answer #2
as above flashget or idm or firefox and downthemall(this is probably the easiest)


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