Rapidshare question

August 5th, 2016

when i logged in today i had a message saying
You are going to continue to be credited with 10 GB download traffic per day, until 16.12.2008. It is 52 days remaining.
also my Expiration date is:Tue, 16. Dec 2008 so same date =/
can any1 tell me why i got this ?

Answer #1
because they changed their ruleq (again…)
From now on, it’s no more 10G/day but 80G/month ONLY for new accounts.
Accounts created before the new rule are still using the ‘previous’ rule (50G/5 days or 10G/day)… and this until they expire, then you’ll switch to the new rules.
Answer #2
Hey mate,yes i have one too its on all the RS acconts,its a new rule that sucked and it reduced the download too.
I hope they take it away because it sucks and i dont like it
Answer #3
Everybody who have a premium account get the same message…there are quite a few topics about it in the Helpdesk….
Answer #4
sorry for the double thread then
and tahnks for helping!
Answer #5
Even I got the same message mate. In fact everyone has got it. Just yesterday they changed the rules of Traffic. Nothing to worry about
Answer #6
what if i extend my account now ? i got 20k points so would it be gone then ? or would i have to wait even longer ?


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