Burning DVD 8x – benefits?

August 5th, 2016

Hi there, My friend said i should burn data in dvd with 8x speed to prevent data loss. Is this true?
What other benefits does it have?

Answer #1
Back in the day when 8x dvd writers and the NEW 16x were about, htye were not too hot at max speed, and the discs available then were the same, not all that good unless you paid $5 each for them.
So people worked out that if you burnt at 4x in an 8x writer on 8x discs, you got a better burn.
This has carried forwards through time until it is now an URBAN MYTH.
Modern 16x, 18x, 20x writers are BEST at those speeds, and if you stick to good name brand (i use verbatim +r) discs, you can burn away at 16x with almost zero error rate (I use ImageBurn and tell it to verify – it takes another 4 mins or so, but at least you can be sure. 16x burn and verify is still faster then 8x burn and verify!).
So, to finalise – have you a modern (year old or so) writer? Are you using GOOD dvd’s (no princo or mr data or laser brand)? If yes, burn at 16x. If no, burn at 8x.
Answer #2
Well for burner i got ASUS and for Disc i got Verbatim R. hmmm…i see okay then thanks for the reply
Answer #3
I usually burn files on disc using 4x burn speed, to prevent data loss
Answer #4
As long as you got the right disks and the right burner/firmware, slow speeds are a thing of the past.
I write my 16x rated disks at 22x, PI and PIF and PIO benchmarks all pass.


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