Making your own Animated MSN DISPLAY Picture!

August 5th, 2016

I’m wondering if anyone knows a free and easy way to make a gif file that is animated to put as your msn display picture.
What i perticularly want is to record a segment of whats playing on windows media player or any media player, and make that segment into a gif file to put on msn….
Basic Idea:
(AVI file-movie/tvshow) >> (A short segement of AVI file as a GIF animated file)
If sumone can point how ot do it or know a sit ethat teaches you…pls post…THANKS!!Very Happy
I looked through google searches and i found one way to do this!
But sadly msn doesnt support gif custom animated profile pics =(
Here’s the site anyways!!
Have Fun ! (:

Answer #1
Virtual dub.
Answer #2
The new msn has the ability to record them via webcam… if you can get a video stream to look like your webcam then you can do it
Answer #3
The new msn has the ability to record them via webcam... if you can get a video stream to look like your webcam then you can do it
o i actually have…seen ppl use that…but i’ve seen custom mini video clips put into GIF form as an image….check out the tiny picture in one of the the avatar of a post
Scroll down ot the 3rd POST! Its an animation of a real ball player dunking…so it was first recorded…then made into a gif type file or w/e else it can be made to
Answer #4
You can use Photoshop. Get the little clip you want, open photoshop, then go to File >> Import >> Video frames as layers, and find your clip.
Then save it as a GIF. You’ll probably need to mess with some settings to get it down to a decent size.
Answer #5
o ok….thanks!!!! =D that helps alot:)
but i dont have photoshop….so is there a nother way to do it using paint or sumthing? lol??…if no on can find a way i’ll just haf ta get photo shop XD
Answer #6
ok i found a site…but you cant really have a custom msn animated display pic….but here’s a way to creat one from an AVI file!!!


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