
August 5th, 2016

i don`t know were do i have to write this but i have a i was triyng to download a few games but i can`t.i don`t know if my computer is the problem or not .i need some help with how to download or anything else about this.mmm,on one game “normality” it said error wrong password ” or something like this,on another game it says “insert the cd …. the game was opened by magic ISO i think.sorry for my engl. —ROMANIA p.s. only a game i could download and its a puzlle game on bigfish,it`s names “fury race”
Answer #1
Always make sure you have typed, or copied, the password correctly and make sure you don’t include any spaces, unless part of the password.
Maybe one or more archives are corrupt and you might have to download them again.
The game should come with a no-cd crack. Read the included NFO (in Notepad) to find out how to install and play the game.
Answer #2
#3.3 Topics must be submitted to the relevant forums. Please read the forum descriptions before posting. Moved.
Answer #3


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