Mass Effect Loading career problem

August 6th, 2016

Hey guys.
Just incase i get asked to use the search function in or google, i have and found no results.
And now, the problem-
I one time went back onto mass effect, wanting to play my game (way pass the meeting of the asari mother). But when i went into the game, i can’t see any other options than Start new career and Options! Shouldn’t there be a load career or resume!? I lost it! =[
The only thing i could think of, is that i shifted my documents to another drive (Instead of having it defauult C drive as it takes the space, i moved it to F drive now everythign saves directly to that drive in my documents).
However i moved it back completly and still can’t work the problem out.
Im guessing that either the registry or the game engine/info needs to be changed and redirected back to the original saved game folder, However i’m not able to do that cuz im a dummy XD LOL.
ANy ways any help would be great, i really dont’w anna start again and i really wana play the game!

Answer #1
bump….any one can help please?!
Answer #2
i don’t have the game, but i found out the savegames are in my documents under bioware\mass effect\saves. if you move the bioware folder over to the drive you’re using, that should do it…
Answer #3
yeah i tried that already still nothing…..can i confirm whether or not the auto saves are separte files? all i have is “Profile.MassEffectProfile” tats all…
Answer #4
i imagine they would be, maybe they are in a different folder.. try searching in explorer for “saves” in both drives…
Answer #5
yeah , i think something ate the files, tried to recover but didnt find, oh wells GG XD…im starting again god… painfulll doing it all over again….*sigh* thanks any ways guys !
Answer #6
yeah, that can be a pain.. you could try regedit, start/run and type in regedit, in there you can look for saves in the registry…
Answer #7
yeah it looks to me the file miracously deleted it self…. i dont know, thanks for the helps any ways guys.
this can be closed now


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