Need advice for 360

September 27th, 2013

hey guys i got a 360 kinect for my son and we are so used to having the wii softmoded for games that it’s a drag going to buy games lol1(what an example im giving my son..)
so i was wondering..i see a lot of mixed reviews to mod a 360..
and i don’t want to get booted off the live…
i seen that they have a usb HDD transfer cable..
i was thinking..what if i get that and transfer the downloaded games with that?
what would you do?

Answer #1
if i could mod a 360 to play copied games i would do so but i dont have the necessary tools for the job.
i was thinking..what if i get that and transfer the downloaded games with that?
i dont think it would work like that as most games need a disc and to boot a game from a hard drive on xbox i think you need a JTAG.
i could totally be wrong here (i only know PS3 method)
i would
a) get the right tools and read over jungleflasher thoroughly.
b) get somebody who can mod a 360 to mod it for me.
yeah modding 360’s for new people is hassle.
Answer #2
well the modding part i don’t think i will have any issue’s..i modded plenty of devices and wii’s..cells….
the method is ok..but there is lots out there.the jungle flash seems like the best option…thx!
Answer #3
i don't want to get booted off the live...
My simple answer to that would be….. Don’t mod your Xbox. It’s basically only a matter of time before you do get caught and banned, whether Microsoft implement a new silent checking system (like they very previously did), or you simply don’t “stealth” a game correctly. Only takes one hiccup.
My advice…. Get yourself a cheap 2nd hand console, and mod that.
Preferably pre-modded, that will save you a bit of hassle.
That’s what I did.
1. Xbox Live legit console
2. Jtagged console


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