IS this a VIRUS?

July 26th, 2016

its been happening on my computer, and now my friends…
we’ll be doing something, running small games or apps or browsing net with firefox….
THEN, all a sudden the “blue screen of death” comes up and tells us something abour RAM error and to restart to avoid harming computer.
i find it weird that both of us have the same problem all a sudden.
if a virus, can u recomend a good anti-virus proggie… “other than nod32, or norton”.
thanks for the help.

Answer #1
I dont think it is a virus, Have you recently put new RAM in your computer or any other hardware ?
Answer #2
no hardware, only a few programs, which i’m going through to see what ones i have, that she recently has..
Answer #3
Hmm, I really do find this strange, It happens on your friends computer and yours, Have a check what software you have recently installed ?
Maybee it could be a virus F*****G things up for you, Get kaspersky (If you ent got it already) Do a FULL scan of your computer
Answer #4
How old is your computer?
Have you ever given it a good clean out inside? (especially the CPU heatsink)
Open your PC and remove then relocate the RAM sticks. (that’s after you give it a good clean out)

Answer #5
yeah, both are quite new, 6 mths – 2 years bought, and are very clean.
switched ram with mine, same problem.
someone said might be bad ram, but i doubt it as both ours started giving these errors so close together in time.
Answer #6
is there an application that u guyz both downloaded of both of your computers?
Answer #7
It could be any number of things. I would recommend a full system scan with Kaspersky like Headucation mentioned (never hurts).
Also, how much ram does your system have? And since it is happening on your computer and your friends, look for similarities like newly installed apps, driver updates, maybe you both have the same ram type/brand that has a bug related to you OS.
Since there are so many options, you really should look for similarities and go from there.
Answer #8
+1 … and run scans with good anti spyware such as Adaware, Spyware doctor,Spybot search and destroy and Trojan Hunter….Use CCleaner for temp files and internet stuff and check registry for issues….Tune up Utilities 2007 also has good file and reg cleaners.
If you still have probs then run HijackThis
and the results can be posted for analysis..
good luck
Answer #9
Test also your RAM using memtest:

Burn the image in CD and boot it.


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