Windows VPS or Linux VPS

September 23rd, 2013

I’m running a big Daily-News Portal on WordPress. As my curent webhosting can’t handle all my visitors anymore, I’m interested to upgrade my package to a more powerful service, like VPS.
Can you please help me decide wich one should I go for: Windows VPS or Linux VPS ?! What are the differences and which one is the best for my needs ?! Which one is easier to manage etc..

Answer #1
Depends on both your IT skills and what your budget is: Windows costs quite some $$$$$ & Linux does not.
Linux VPS will also garanty you a 99.9% uptime while Windows simply can’t do that.
The Linux will be cheaper and easier to manage (if you know how to work the terminal).
Pro’s of Windows is that it can be taken over remotely and that it supports SQL and MS Access
> handy for managing customer information or keeping databases with your previous newsflashes
I suggest you look into this yourself, google the specs of both servers and see what you need.
If you have any questions tho, feel free to ask
Answer #2
NinetyNemo replied: Pro's of Windows is that it can be taken over remotely and that it supports SQL and MS Access
> handy for managing customer information or keeping databases with your previous newsflashes

On Linux they use MySQL, plus you can control your Linux server remotely in the exact same way you can Windows.
These are pros of Windows and Linux VPS!
NinetyNemo replied: I suggest you look into this yourself, google the specs of both servers and see what you need.
If you have any questions tho, feel free to ask

What you need to do is get which ever your most comfortable with. If you have absolutely no Linux experience, setting up a web server and maintaining it on Linux might be harder than with Windows.
With a VPS and Dedicated Server, Windows or Linux is not that big of a deal because you can install Apache and MySQL on it, where with shard hosting, if you choose Windows, your stuck with MS SQL and IIS.
I recommend the Linux server if you think you can manage it, it will prove to be more stable over time.
I personally would choose Windows, but that just cuz I am Windows Pro and Linux Noob. Go with Linux!


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