.NET Installation Order

August 8th, 2016

Anyone heard or seen any news on what order the .NET frameworks should be installed? Cause there is v1.1 v2.0 v3.0 v3.5, I would assume you would start from the bottom up, but I have heard that it causes issues in v3.0 and higher if you install v1.1 first.
Answer #1
..and is it necessary to install them all ??
Answer #2
If your using XP just download version 2 here:http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=0856EACB-4362-4B0D-8EDD-AAB15C5E04F5&displaylang=en
If your using vista, they are already installed.
Answer #3

enigma86 wrote: Select all

..and is it necessary to install them all ??
Nope. It depends on the forwards, backwards and side-by-side compatibility requirements of the applications you run.
@: You are right. Just install only the 2.0+ runtimes. 1.1 is buggy and practically useless. Runtime 2.0 provides backwards compatibility to run 1.1 PE. Unless your app has a dependency on a breaking change, don’t install 1.1.
Hope this helps.
Yeah the apps I have built should run in 2.0 just fine, but i also have some apps that require the v3 framework (doing a windows reinstall ) So i was curious if anyone has had any experience in the installation order. And no I am running Windows XP, Wont be touching vista anytime in this lifetime.
Answer #4
v3 framework has a few dependencies and won’t install on a fresh version of XP though 1.1 and v2 would. I would suggest you use Microsoft update to install the runtimes unless of course that is not a possibility.
Answer #5
v3 framework has a few dependencies and won't install on a fresh version of XP though 1.1 and v2 would. I would suggest you use Microsoft update to install the runtimes unless of course that is not a possibility.
Only happens if you install v1.1 & v2.0 then try to install v3.x without restarting after the v1.1 and v2.0 installations. As long as you restart after the first 2 v3.x installs just fine.