rapidshare infinite downloads?

August 2nd, 2016

i read on a post once that you can disconnect your internet and reconnect it in order to change your IP address and this will allow me to download as much as i want from rapidshare without waiting
is this true? how would I do this?

Answer #1
yes its true if ur a free user and have dynamic IP.
disconnect ur modem or restart ur router.
Answer #2
i think if you don’t have a static ip adress it works otherwise it doesn’t
Answer #3
yes its true if ur a free user and have static IP.
disconnect ur modem or restart ur router.

dynamic ip. and rapidshare has this amazing script that can keep track of dynamics the way dyndns does
Answer #4
Try this……………
Answer #5
if you have a dynamic adress
best thing is to stop being so cheap and buy a rapidshare account
comeon man 10 bucks and you can download liek 7000USD worth of apps and movies…
Answer #6
yes its true if ur a free user and have static IP.
disconnect ur modem or restart ur router.

dynamic ip. and rapidshare has this amazing script that can keep track of dynamics the way dyndns does

new thing to learn scripts !! But you still want to try if you have a dynamic ip


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