ghost fat16

August 1st, 2016

Hello all.
I was wondering how do I go about ghosting a hard drive that has been formated into a fat16 FS to another with the same FS (or unpartitioned drive).
I have Partitiona manager but they don’t seem to support fat16, let alone ghosting tools.
I have also Norton Symantec ghost (forgot which year version), but not sure if this will work with this software ( i havn’t got the hard drives yet, but when i do get it i dont have much time to work on it and start searchign for answers then).
How would I go about this issue?

Answer #1
Partition Magic should do it.
Answer #2
Norton ghost should the the job for you..It will let you choose the size of the partitions on the new drive before cloning….
If the copy of ghost you have is bootable..It should do the job…Don’t even think of using the latest version..It’s trash…If you need a copy…Hiren’s BootCD link under my sign…
Answer #3
thanks guys!!! much appreciated! especially the fast response
Answer #4
OH I forgot to add. The hard drives are above 400Gs each. DOes ghosting still work for this?
ALso what if i want to format all of it into fat16??
Answer #5
I don’t think that is a problem.
Answer #6
I tried to format with partition magic but it wont allow more than 2gs to be formated into fat16.
I tried to ghost but it was acting way to sloow.
Answer #7
Try Acronis Disk Director…Partition Magic is a liability…
Answer #8
Try Acronis Disk Director...Partition Magic is a liability...
Thanks, will try it now!


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