massive bruise thing..

August 6th, 2016

mum fell in bath today, nothing major but she has a massive red really dark red bruise. its dark red and looks nasty.
she’s really worried about blood clotting and all this stuff, if anyones a doctor or good at al I hope you can reassure me
looks bad tbh, just a bruise, fairly big and dark red.

Answer #1
you can call NHS Direct on 0845 46 47 for advice on what to do.
Answer #2
I wouldn’t worry too much about it mate ………. my wife is one of those who bruises easily, the slightest knock and a bruise comes up. After the red bit it will probably go black and blue and look even more horrible, but it all comes right in the end.
Answer #3
mum fell in bath today, nothing major but she has a massive red really dark red bruise. its dark red and looks nasty.
she's really worried about blood clotting and all this stuff, if anyones a doctor or good at al I hope you can reassure me
looks bad tbh, just a bruise, fairly big and dark red.

Is she on any ation that could make stopping bleeding delayed? Such as blood thinning ation? It might be worth getting things checked out if that is the case as it can be difficult for the bleeding to stop.
I am no doctor though.
Answer #4
looks like its in the tummy area so u need to think of whether organs behind the muscle may be hurt … spleen …liver … so i’d get it checked out by a doctor … mum’s are worth taking extra gud care of
Answer #5
as and others have said, if it is the stomach/anterior chest area I’d be a little concerned, but honestly to me it looks posterior, I don’t see the naval or any rib lines. If she is on any type of blood thinners I would get her to the doctor in the morning, Out side of that put some cold compresses on it and see what it is doing in the mornin Is she having any problem breathing/walking/moving, is there any tingling or numbness in her lower extremities? if yes, get her to a doctor tonight!
Answer #6
Is this a picture of the incredible hulk?
I am wondering why your mum would be green.
Only joking, I hope your mum is okay. I think the advice given should be helpful.
Answer #7
Lmao, thanks guys Crappy camera, she just banged it on the bath. It’s above her bum on the left
Answer #8
So thats your moms butt? lolwut?? You sir might be the first WBB user to have teh cojones to show us his moms butt…. Well if she feels pain should go to doctor. This is a forum so it unlikely you can get al advice from here. Pic is too much of a close up so cant tell if bruise is really big or you just zoomed in.
Answer #9
I’d imagine there would be quite a few al people on here myself. My Uncles on here somewhere and he’s a nurse. Above the butt would be the kidney area, or liver, I get them mixed up, might of banged one of them.. Best get her down the doctor’s to be on the safe side I’d say.
Answer #10
I'd imagine there would be quite a few al people on here myself. My Uncles on here somewhere and he's a nurse. Above the butt would be the kidney area, or liver, I get them mixed up, might of banged one of them.. Best get her down the doctor's to be on the safe side I'd say.
Yep, as my name says, I used to be a para. I would say we have all walks of life covered here.
Answer #11
I'd imagine there would be quite a few al people on here myself. My Uncles on here somewhere and he's a nurse. Above the butt would be the kidney area, or liver, I get them mixed up, might of banged one of them.. Best get her down the doctor's to be on the safe side I'd say.
Yep, as my name says, I used to be a para. I would say we have all walks of life covered here.

Just as I though I was just replying to a bit in the post above.. This is a forum so it unlikely you can get al advice from here. =P
Answer #12
erm well for starters, why the hell would you consult a gaming/softawre forum about al issues? Slice it with a butter knife and add chilli, oregano, basil and chicken wings for a deliciously tasty cannibal bloodclot dinner. nBut honestly, speak to a doctor…
Answer #13
ice for 72 hours then moist heat and a doctor would be good as well
Answer #14
erm well for starters, why the hell would you consult a gaming/softawre forum about al issues? Slice it with a butter knife and add chilli, oregano, basil and chicken wings for a deliciously tasty cannibal bloodclot dinner. nBut honestly, speak to a doctor...
forum- piracy basically. but piracy rules, Arrrhhh!


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