Can someone complete this mission for me(GTA IV)

August 8th, 2016

There’s a bug with this mission and i cant see the yellow marker to parkup my car and thats not letting me go forward with the game….if someone can complete this mission and upload these two folders once again for me i’ll be really grateful to you…
Mission: “Escuela of the Streets” first mission of Manny Escuela
Mission Brief: You’ll have to follow a drug dealer and once he reaches his destination you’ll be asked to parkup behind him(this is where you actually have to see a yellow marker but you dont find it)
I’ve tried all that i can but i couldnt find it.
Crack: Razor1911 v3(latest update)
My Saved Game files:
http://~ Dead file host ~/files/243771404/simon_savedgame.rar
Size: 344KB
P.S. If you dont want to download from Rapidshare i’ll be glad to send it in any way you want…just reply or PM me to let me know your preferred host or even via an emal as an attachment provided you give me your email id Contents of the Rar file: My Xlive folder and Rockstar games folder.
How to play the game with my saved game:
C:\Documents and Settings\your user name\Local Settings\Application Data\paste the rockstar games folder here(dont forget to take a backup of your folder first and then paste mine. P.S. try to remove your folder totally before pasting mine, coz it worked for me that way rather than overwriting with yours.)
The saved files need to match with the profile otherwise they won’t work…The profile is in:
C:\Documents and Settings\user name\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\copy my xlive folder here(dont forget to take a backup of your folder first and then paste mine. P.S. try to remove your folder totally before pasting mine, coz it worked for me that way rather than overwriting with yours.)
once you are done with this you’ll have to start the game when it’ll say something like”You’ll need a windows live account, if you dont want to create it online you should atleast create an offline account and now you should be able to find a username there…use that account to start the game….
It should work fine(coz it did with me when i tried playing with someone else’s account)
Thanks a lot in advance

Answer #1
My laptop runs it slowly so i quit the game, sorry
Answer #2
thanks for trying…
Answer #3
mine gets stuck too, but i managed to get this savegame from my friend-
http://~ Dead file host ~/files/206027788/Rockstar_Games.rar
Answer #4
go to install the game and choose ‘repair’
that should fix it
Answer #5
no! thats a bug that can’t be fixed. It won’t be solved be repairing. It occurs in some Nvidia VGA’s
Answer #6
mine gets stuck too, but i managed to get this savegame from my friend-
http://~ Dead file host ~/files/206027788/Rockstar_Games.rar

i’ve already tried that…but i missing too many missions from where I am and where i get to with that saved game…
thanks but i dont want to miss any part of the story/mission except for this(coz i dont have a choice…)


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