T10 Screwdriver

August 5th, 2016

Does it have a hexagonal pattern on it? Because I got my dads old tools how and put a “t-10” screw into an adjustable screwdriver and now its doesn’t work on the screws in my xbox 360.
Answer #1
huh wtf? Just go to a hardware store (with the xbox 360 if necessary) and ask for their help. Keep in mind when you open up the xbox, you’ll void the warranty
Answer #2
huh wtf? Just go to a hardware store (with the xbox 360 if necessary) and ask for their help. Keep in mind when you open up the xbox, you'll void the warranty
Its a very specialised screwdriver you need for the Xbox 360. You would be lucky to find it in a store.
Sorry – dont know what its called.
Answer #3
is it like the star bit?
Yes it’s a star bit driver set – not that specialized, I’ve had a complete set for many years now.
Answer #4
It’s called torx I think ..
Answer #5
Sorry, I’m too lazy to go down to the garage and check, but I’m pretty certain it’s one of those star ‘*’ bits.
Answer #6
It's called torx I think ..
Yea. If It’s The Same Screws As The Xbox 1 Uses It’s A Torx.
Answer #7
why you would want to open the your xbox’ case?
Answer #8
To flash the firmware.
Answer #9
use a TORX and it will work!
Answer #10
T10 torx comes with computer kits and they are available at NewEgg.com, Radioshack.com and other computer stores (includes hardware stores)
Answer #11
I have used a small flat blade screwdriver bit to turn those screws before.
It has to be just the right size and and you have to use a fair amount of pressure for it to work.


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