Please help!

July 25th, 2016

Anyone can give me tutorial for make komputer more faster?
My vga is 32,and ram is 512
I use both of tune up utilities and uniblue powersuite ( Registry booster,Spy eraser and speed up mypc ) both of that program of course make faster,but small dude. now my computer slow….. Agaiin.. lol. Anyone can help me? Or make tutorial? Please bro need all for your help

Answer #1
follow this guide to disable unneded services:
get rid of any startup entries and background processes you don’t need.
consider formatting your machine and modding your install with nlite, it will make a huge difference if you do it right.
i ran xp on 512 ram for 6 years. it takes some work to keep it quick, but it’s possible.
oh, and don’t use those crap programs, they usually do more harm than good.
Answer #2
well not much you can do but get more ram atleast. The grafix card is too weak for gaming, its only suited to basic tasks. Other than that, run Ccleaner, keep it malware free and defrag the HDD weekly
Answer #3
Wow! Ok, i’ll try it now hehe. Thank you very much all for replys and give me suggestions


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