Overclocking Information

August 4th, 2016

Can someone quickly sum up what overclocking is, what needs to be done and the risks involved? I was thinking about maybe overclocking my cpu but I really don’t know anything about it and wether mine can be overclocked.
Answer #1
What are your hardware specs? It may not even be worth it.
Answer #2
Answer #3
Overclocking is the process of running a computer component at a higher clock rate (more clock cycles per second) than it was designed for or was specified by the manufacturer.
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Answer #4
Running a little toasty as it is…I have te same CPU but mine idles around 30’C.
Answer #5
It normally idles around 37’C but I had just been doing some 3D rendering so it was a bit hot.
Answer #6
Anyone got any more information or help for me then? The reason I was thinking about this was I do alot, and I mean alot, of 3D stuff in Cinema4D and ArchiCAD and what not.
Answer #7
Your motherboard is almost OEM. You’re not going to get any overclocking out of that
Answer #8
What does that mean? Almost OEM?
Answer #9
What does that mean? Almost OEM?
It means that its a board sold big companies such as Hewlett Packard to consumers in their branded computers.
Those boards usually have a limited bios.
You could try AMD Overdrive.
Overclocking Phenom II’s is a bit harder than the older days.
Risks are losing data, corrupting a hard drive partition.
Depends on what you overclock, multiplier, clock generator.
Multiplier is the easiest as there isn’t any other stuff to deal with, apart from increasing the voltage.
Clock generator is a crazier part of overclocking as it is what all CPUs can do that, the thing is that other stuff are linked to it, memory speed, CPU-NB.
The point is, overclocking is just for fun.
Time consuming, as you have to run stress tests.
Answer #10
I think I’ll leave it then, no point really. I can live with the speed I’m getting in C4D at the moment.


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