What to go for?

July 26th, 2016

Hey guys! I’m looking for a LED TV which I would also be using as a monitor as well or the other way round.
It should be in the range of 23″ to 27″. I wouldn’t consider smaller or larger TVs.
Also, it needs to be full HD and 3D. So my question is, should I buy a TV or a monitor and what brands and models should I be looking at?
Thanks in advance.

Answer #1
Any help?
Answer #2
I like Samsung. Always been great quality and lasted. I have one attached to my laptop right now via HDMI
Answer #3
Thanks for replying. Samsung’s current range is brilliant but I’m looking for something a bit less expensive.
What do you think of this one?
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Answer #4
looks like a decent screen. Go for it!
Answer #5
I’ll order this one tonight then! Thanks mate I appreciate your help!


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