August 7th, 2016

I search 5th day good to Rode nt1-a and M-Fast Track Audio II tutorial of MIXING AND MASTERING RAP VOCALS IN THE PROGRAM ” ADOBE AUDITION CS6 ” . Give me link on youtube or in this style :
“amplitude > amplify > center wave
amplitude > dynamics prossesing > vocalcomp 8:1 Fast attack
delay effects > reverb > tight and close (Smooth 0%)
filters > fft filter > heavy and wide (Windowing function = gaussian)
filters > graphic equalizer > spitclear
filters > parametric equalizer? > mackie high (boost)
filters > fft filter > kill the mic rumble
noise reduction > hiss reduction > high hiss reduction
amplitude > normalize (70%)
amplitude > hard limiting > limit max amplitude to -6.5” (THIS IS FOR CEP 2.1 BUT I NEED FOR AA CS6 !!!)
I was mixed and mastered these options in CEP for my vocals and it sounds like from microphone for 10$ not 250$(rode nt1-a)

Answer #1
There are no “magic” presets that will make your recording sound professional. What is the rest of your signal chain? Preamps and I/O make just as big a contribution to your sound as mic selection.


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