iPhone 5 problem , help would be appreciated !

August 7th, 2016

Hi guys , its been 2 months since ive got my iPhone 5 and it was working really fine till 2 nights ago , i dont know why but the phone started searching for network , sometimes it connected to Cosmote sometimes it just said Searching .. Still I slept a night over it thinking maybe its the sim card faults , i tried changed the sim card and same thing happened , just SEARCHING .. While I tried both of my sim cards on my fathers iphone 5 and they worked just fine . So I didnt know what to do and I restored it to factory settings , and i started setting up my iPhone like a new bought one , till the activation … My iPhone says its Searching for Network all the time , and it cant get activated . ” Could no activate iPhone .. ” is what I see .. I dont know what to do since I have a garantue but i have it on another country and i cant go there just to repair the iPhone .. Im in need of help . Thanks in advance & respect to everyone here !
Answer #1
That doesn’t look very good but do check this thread and see if any of the steps helps you out:
Also, give this a look at:
And then try looking for anything relevant here:


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