any software that boots into a viitual environ persistently

August 14th, 2016

1 would like to know whether there are softwares that work similar to Try and decide….
what I mean by this is virtualization software that survives reboots – meaning that they reboot (or give a user a choice to reboot) into the virtual environ right from reboot and allow the user to get out of the environ when he/she so desires – a kind of a persist mode that is useful when testing programs that require reboots (including testing the suspected ill effects of some OS updates).
It will be a bonus to save in real time to the real environment or altogether exclude a folder or two from the protected/virtual environ

Answer #1
You mean like Faronics DeepFreeze? It freezes the current state of the machine and boots up to the frozen state automatically. Should you wish to save changes made to the system, you have that option … ie you can save the current state as your new frozen one.
Answer #2
This was just released on the scene on 8/5/13. It may be what your looking for:
Shadow.Defender.v1.3.0.454.Incl.Keymaker-ZWT http://www.~ Disallowed ~/file/6D69149564E11154
Shadow.Defender.v1.3.0.454.x64.Incl.Keymaker-ZWT http://www.~ Disallowed ~/file/D8CB80311D17B38A
More Info:
Answer #3
Thanks both – will test both soon
Thanks for the link too
Answer #4
Rollback Rx allows software installation that needs reboots.
You cannot do that with Shadow Defender as you’ve probably already found out.


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