Overclocking Amd 6990

August 1st, 2013

I’m trying to over clock my dual MSI 6990 and the max i can get my core clock speed is up to 920 MHz. Anything after that ill get a driver fail message or a bsod. So do i need to edit the driver or something like to get it up to least 1000.
Answer #1
It will either accept the OC or not, seems like you reached your max =/
Answer #2
what’s your Power Supply? Have you adjusted the card’s voltage?
Answer #3
SmAsHeDr replied: It will either accept the OC or not, seems like you reached your max =/
people have got them over 1000.
and i have a 1200 watt ps. and ya i tried increasing it a little and still wont go past 920
Answer #4
not all chips overclock that well. its just luck of the draw.
Answer #5
Not all chips are created the same.
Dual 6990s and you STILL need to OC it? What are you running?
Answer #6
im mostly thinking why you would want to OC that monster ? and you have 2 ?
jeez lol
Answer #7
HD-Uploader replied: SmAsHeDr replied: It will either accept the OC or not, seems like you reached your max =/
people have got them over 1000.

Ok, that is because they have a different GPU then the one installed in your PC.
These cards are stable at factory overclock, anything over that, and your just hoping it works man.
What exactly is the problem?
Answer #8
well i got one card to 970 and the other still stuck on 920. no problem really just wondering if i change or modify the driver if i get it over clocked more.
Answer #9
HD-Uploader replied: just wondering if i change or modify the driver if i get it over clocked more.
nope, if you’ve given the card a higher voltage and it still wont OC past 920, then thats the best its going to get


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