Vpn website advice please

August 23rd, 2013

Hey guys.
So here is my dillema.
I got a website right.USers signup, pay a mnonthly fee, then they can login to a user pannel and from there they got links to open websites that are accessible from within the USA ony like, hulu, netflix, etc.
I got the website setup for now, but i`m bugged at the actual VPN(i guess) part.
What do i need to make it work like that ? i guess i need a dedicated server in the USA and make it work as a vpn server right ?
Can you give me sugestions, advice on how to proceed? I already got like 300-500 users wich will start using the website right away so i need something that can handle and be scalable in the future.
Any other ideas are welcomed

Answer #1
Not trying to put you off your business venture, but why would anyone want to sign up with your site when there are stacks of reliable VPN companies that have fast servers all around the world ?
btw – Netflix are operating in other countries now, like UK.


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