Snapchat problem on iPhone 5s

August 1st, 2016

I was just wondering if you could help me. I recently deleted my snapchat account because I didn’t like my username (snapchat refuse to allow to change so the only way to change it is to delete your account). So anyway I have new account up and running but when I go into my friends from snapchat and select contacts in order to add people from my phonebook only two names are showing up when I know for a fact at least 40 other people in my phonebook use snapchat so why is this happening? When I go to a contact from my phone book who I am 100% sure has snapchat it only gives me the option to invite them to snapchat and not add them as a friend even though I know they have and are using the app. So can anyone provide any solution to this very frustrating problem as I am not prepared to contact everyone individually just to get there snapchat usernames. I had this problem with my old account as well and it first started happening when I moved country and continued using the same phone but changed the sim card. I do know my old account and this one are tied to my phone number from back home. I was home as Christmas and started using my old sim card again and people who I knew had snapchat where still not showing up as active users on my phone. (that was with my old account). So please can you help and this problem I have contacted snapchat about this but who knows when or even if they will respond to my question. Thanks
Answer #1
Answer #2
Over 100 million daily users and nobody can offer any advice??
Please don't spam-
Answer #3
Over 100 million daily users and nobody can offer any advice??
[mod]Please don't spam- [/mod]

Perhaps it is just a bug on Snapchat. Snapchat is known for how buggy it can get…


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