PC to Mac?

December 15th, 2013

I know this is probably a really dumb question, but I really need to know if there is hope…
I have a possible job offer but there’s one catch — my employer uses Mac and I use PC. I’m wondering there’s a programme out there that converts PC formatted files into Mac and vice-versa? I know there’s some ap out there that can turn one’s PC into a Mac platform, but I’d rather not go that route if I can help it. Can anyone offer some advice or suggestions?
Thanks in advance,

Answer #1
warmfuzzy replied: I'm wondering there's a programme out there that converts PC formatted files into Mac and vice-versa?
What exactly do you mean by this? What files are you talking about?
Answer #2
There are a LOT of files that can be used regardless of OS (Linux, Mac, Windows).
You’ll need to be more specific if you want help.
Answer #3
Like the others have mentioned its best to mention the files
I’ve recently switched to mac as well I found most files I had on my pc work on mac
Answer #4
Thanks guys. I honestly don’t know what files yet, as I haven’t been hired for the job yet. I’m a graphic artist and have never had difficulties with the format I’ve given them in the past (.TIFFs) so I’m not sure why they seem hung up on Mac. Guess I’ll just have to wait and see. Thanks anyway. Cheers.


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