Can’T access warez-bb

November 21st, 2013

Now I must use proxy to access warez-bb. I can’t access it without using proxy. please help me. Thanks!
Answer #1
Please submit a support ticket:
Answer #2
wait for help
Answer #3
Dood, its probably your DNS. Just use the hostfix.
Answer #4
but it dont work.
Answer #5
tacnep replied: but it dont work.
Maybe you could be more detailed. Just saying it “dont work” gives me nothing to work with.
Are you sure you configured your HOST file properly? Add this line, exactly as it appears:
Other than that, you didnt even tell us what error message your getting, so it makes it hard to help you.

Answer #6
I did like you post. But chrome said it can’t connect to warez-bb.
Answer #7
tacnep replied: I did like you post. But chrome said it can't connect to warez-bb.
Have you tried another browser? Is it only warez-bb? Did you also try flushing your DNS? Details please, I am not psychic.
Answer #8
I think it is a problem with your ISP
Answer #9
Try these which i use to access wbb,
NOTE: Use chrome as there might be a lot of popup ads,

I can add more if u want.
Answer #10
Thanks SmAsHeDr. I do all step included flushing my DNS. That network is from public Wifi. Now I’m using other network & dont have any problem. I think warez-bb has ban this IP. Can I fix it ??
Answer #11
tacnep replied: I think warez-bb has ban this IP. Can I fix it ??
If that is the case, you better do what lionden said.
lionden replied: Please submit a support ticket:

vishnubabu replied: Try these which i use to access wbb,
NOTE: Use chrome as there might be a lot of popup ads

Before going that route, just use open proxies with foxyproxy or a free vpn. No ads at all.

Answer #12
The problem is with your IP and wbb…Nobody is going to check and maybe unban your IP range…
Follow what I suggested..
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