Youtube tutorial ideas

August 6th, 2016

Hey everyone i have a youtube channel with 36 subscribers at the moment. I dont videos on windows 7 tutorials and computer tutorials. I have ran out of ideas, can anyone give me some tutorial topics? thanks in advance!
and were can i get cool intro? I made mine in AF CS5 but its starting to get boring :/

Answer #1
You could try the following:
* Overclocking
* PC Building
* Converting AVI to MKV
* Archiving
Answer #2
thanks for your response, by pc buildings do you mean tips on building a pc or how to actually build a pc? how can i get more views, i made a website and twitter and email account all for the youtube channel.
Answer #3
How to actually build a PC. Well you can advertise, on sites like tomshardware, techguy, and other IT forums, or you could put up an ad in Facebook. Btw, glad to know you’re compatible with win 7 Razz
Answer #4
aha i guess, ill try to make one of those videos, im going to go ahead and make the following”
How to install custom themes
how to convert avi to MKv
Ill think of more soon.
Answer #5
Cheers. Glad to help Smile


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