Xbox360 modding

August 5th, 2016

I have bought an extra 360 and I was wanted to mod it to run emulators/burned games if this is possible. Does anyone know the best way to do this? I have heard about flashing the dvd drive but this jungleflasher tutorial I have is a pain to follow and I was wondering if someone had an easier more current one or knows an easier way to do it?
Answer #1
Jungle flasher is for flashing the drive to play burned games. if you want emulators/CFW you need to RGH or Jtag.
Answer #2
Gotcha. I read that only certain ones can be Jtag is this still true? Sorry most of the tutorials I have found are very out of date. If I decide to go with just the burned games do you know somewhere that has an easy up to date tutorial?
Answer #3
youtube always has good tutorials that will be up to date…but also consider maybe finding someone on craigslist etc or ebay that will do it for 50$ or less…theres a guy near me who does it for 30$ so if your a lil weary taking apart your xbox etc to run the hack then id consider
Answer #4
Sounds good I may look into that I have taken my 360 apart before to fix the RROD so I am not worried about that was just wanting to make sure I did it the most up to date way. Thanks everyone for helping me out!


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