Xbox360 flashing issue

November 6th, 2013

Hi guys, I,m having issues when trying to update the fw on my Xbox from LT1.9 to LT2.0, jungleflasher doesn’t seem to be detect my liteon drive which I have tried connecting using a via vt6421a sata card, I have downloaded what I believe to be the nessercery drivers but the card still doesn’t seem to function, I also have tried connecting my liteon drive to all four on board sata ports on my pc’s motherboard and at one point jungleflasher detected it was a liteon drive but under the MTK FLASH32 tab no DVD key was showing.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated as I have spent the past three days going round in circles without getting anywhere.
Thanks in advance guys.

Answer #1
I don’t think you are supposed to install the drives… read the jungle flasher tutorial…


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