XBOX 360 File and Burning Help, Please and thank you!

January 26th, 2020

Okay I have downloaded and burnt many games over the last 2 months or so, no problems.
I download the iso, run through ABGX get DVD file burn with Img Burn and so on.
But i have recetly download Fable 3 and Medal of Honor which come with no ISO file.
It has these folders:
$System Update
They have files in them, i just dont know what to do with this. lol
Thought id ask and see if anyne knows about this.
Thanks in advance!

Answer #1
Arn’t they part dvd movie files? looks like a bad download to me…been doing this ages and i’ve never seen that. Are they from the same source?
The “$system update” file is a bit daunting though.
Answer #2
just googled it and it came up in a se7ensins forum. Think they’re the files that need turning into an iso.
hope this helps.
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Answer #3
Looks like you estranged the .iso–those folders are the content of an X360 game’s .iso.


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