Writing Input, Text storage?

April 14th, 2014

so i do a lot of writing, and i got really tired of using a pen/paper. I don’t have access to a laptop.
is there a device that looks like a keyboard in which i can type and it can store text/display it or make me print it out, something portable.
A pda is not good, because the information i need to write down is sometimes shown on a projector, and quickly taken off, i need to pay attention and write the information quick

Answer #1
What you are describing is a laptop
A few companies used to make ‘portable’ digital typewriters that could store and print off documents, but afaik no one makes them any more, and they certainly couldn’t be connected to a projector. easiest way to do what you want is to get a cheep laptop.
Answer #2
Ahh really you are looking at a netbook or tablet. Maybe try to explain what you want a little clearer. You have kind of cancelled out what by specifying other things. However if you dont get a good response by one of us please try looking at online stores. I am sure you will stumble upon what you want
Answer #3
You can get Writing Tablets – same principle as writing pen and paper, but it stores electronically.
Most of the decent ones have hand-writing recognition software and can save in .Word, or Digital Notepads, which save on flash cards.
For the expense in getting those, you might as well invest in a decent Netbook.


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