Windows XP Randomly Wiped Itself?
August 8th, 2016
Anyone got any suggestions as to why this happened please?
Get your HDD checked with this app:
Could also be a Virus. Do you have any anti-virus installed? Is it updated?
I just reinstalled AVG after Norton ran out, turned it on after that and everything was gone, like a fresh copy of Windows.
Are you using any anti-changes software such as Deepfreeze/Cleanslate/Microsoft shared computer toolkit?
Nope, nothing like that, this is a completely normal PC with only an Antivirus installed and MS office 2007. And a load of documents etc… But now it’s a fresh copy ;/
Question, If you create or download a new file and then restart, Does it stay there?
By “fresh copy” I assume you meant you recently reinstalled the OS, Did you use
an untouched copy or some customized one? Also, Have you checked your HDD yet?^
No it still has the original copy of XP on it, but it’s all wiped as it it is a fresh copy, if that makes sense.
And not yet as this isn’t my computer it’s a friends and he has it at his house, I was helping him as his antivirus ran out and he didn’t know how to install another (Don’t ask)
What your describing sounds like the work of an anti-changes software.
I’d say either your friend is holding out on you, Or just doesn’t know any better.
Maybe someone else who’s living with him installed one?
Uninstalling it (Or making a clean OS reinstall) is likely to resolve the issue.
Is there any way to recover the lost documents as they was very very important and he never made copies -.-
Well, Data is only recoverable til overwritten so I’d say the odds are not that great.
You could try the bootable version of data recovery wizard:
Needless to say, The data will have to saved to a different partition or HDD (if it’s even
possible to recover) Also, You should advise him to shut off his computer and simply
stop using it til you drop by to see if the data can be recovered! Any newly created files
can potentially overwrite the data and render it irrecoverable (If that hasn’t already happened!)

System restore only backs up the registry and important system files, So it’s not useful in this situation.
Is there any way to recover the lost documents
try searching the computer for a name you think was there
it may be that you “profile” got corrupted so a new/default one is now being used
your files may still be there
google “recover a corrupt profile xp” for info
did you check the drive as Roberto suggested ?
did you run windows “error checking” (scandisk) from the drive’s properties/tools menu
Thank you for all of your advice, I will be going to do all of it at the weekend I’ll get back on here if it worked or if it didn’t