Which games max out ps3 processor?

January 28th, 2020

Since most games for PS3 just uses one core of PS3’s processor “PowerPC-base Core @3.2GHz ” however PS3 has also a extra “7 x SPE @3.2GHz ” which I’ve been reading that it’s hard to develop games to take full advantage of PS3’s processor. So I’ve been wondering, which game titles uses PS3’s processor fully? One title I know is “Uncharted 2”, anyone knows some other titles?
Answer #1
This is something I’v been curious about.
Answer #2
I dont think any games could use all of its power. If they were to do that the system would lag, take for example an PC run a PC game that requires as minimum specs the ones you have, your pc will run it slow. At least thats the way i think of it lol When designing games developers have to keep in mind how much RAM and CPU, and GPU power can be used. You dont want to stress one more than the other for it would throttle speeds down. BTW the Xbox 360 and PCs have higher FPS on games than a PS3
Answer #3
Ok, not full usage then, but at least some more than only the default 1 core.
Answer #4
God of war 3 probably will use more than 1.
Answer #5
Yeh because that’s sony exclusive. From what I’ve been reading, all or most? of the games that are as well on ps3 and xbox 360, uses only 1 core on PS3, that’s why Im wondering which game titles uses more than 1 core for PS3.
Answer #6
Found something interesting, some games that uses some of the SPE’s!


I guess those games are the ones that are really worth to buy.
Answer #7
Well, Sony has designed the PS3 to have a 10-year product life cycle (so the PS4 is a good decade away). So I guess the real good n’ heavy games that puts the load on PS3 haven’t come out yet.
Answer #8
Multi-threading for PS3’s Cell is complicated. Even Valve just managed to master the IBM triple core CPU for the 360.
Answer #9
Crysis 2
Answer #10
I would think Killzone 2. Just looking at the graphics, and I assume that it used all of the processor.
Answer #11
Actually it works like this:
1. PS3’s Cell has 8 cores
2. 1 is disabled for a reason
3. 1 is reserved for system
4. 6 cores available.
Answer #12
Well acording to X-play The game that utilizes the most of them is uncharted 2
Answer #13
Uncharted 2 uses between 90 to 100% of of the Cell's processor and uses 25GB of a single Blu-ray Disc.
Source: wikipedia
Answer #14
Yea, uncharted 2 looks ridiculous on the PS3 almost like a movie. I’m sure some of the games in a couple of years will look better.. Killzone 3 will be some serious eye candy


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