What painting is this? What’s the name of the artist?

August 4th, 2013

Ok, so a buddy of mine has this painting in his garage that he swears is worth a couple hundred bucks yet he cant tell me who made it or what its called.
So any help on identifying what the name of the author is and what the painting is called so I can check its value? I say it’s not worth more than $50 but I want evidence so I can prove him and his ego wrong

Answer #1
Clearly, the artist is a J Cornwell and it was done in 80….1980? 1880? I would suggest you take it out of the frame to view the back for any info there.
Other than that, take it to a local art appraiser.
Answer #2
you can also google goggles the painting.
you mentioned that you googled it, but you didn’t mention goggles, which is the first thing I would do.
Download it on your iOS or Android device and let google do the work


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