what is ramdac

July 25th, 2016

what is ramdac on a graphics card??? i see it as 400MHz cant it go any higher??? i looked at like 30 graphics card and i see them all have 400MHz ramdac does it mean there all the same graphics thing???does ramdac matter???
Answer #1
Google is miracle…..
Answer #2
Google is miracle.....
does it matter if all the cards i see is 400MHz does it mean there all the same?? kinda the same all???
Answer #3
Google is miracle.....
does it matter if all the cards i see is 400MHz does it mean there all the same?? kinda the same all???

RAMDAC built on todays graphic video cards usually runs on 400MHz clock rate. With new technologies like DVI, HDMI the DAC part in RAMDAC will soon become obsolete.
Answer #4
Google is miracle.....
does it matter if all the cards i see is 400MHz does it mean there all the same?? kinda the same all???

RAMDAC built on todays graphic video cards usually runs on 400MHz clock rate. With new technologies like DVI, HDMI the DAC part in RAMDAC will soon become obsolete.
so RAMDAC doesnt matter??? i can buy any of those cards and they will be good?? becuz im just looking at cards over 567MHz Core Clock and i found some within my price range i think that core clock is wat makes ur graphics faster rite??? can u also answer my other question?? http://www.google.com?p=40620680#40620680
Answer #5
Google is miracle.....
does it matter if all the cards i see is 400MHz does it mean there all the same?? kinda the same all???

RAMDAC built on todays graphic video cards usually runs on 400MHz clock rate. With new technologies like DVI, HDMI the DAC part in RAMDAC will soon become obsolete.
so RAMDAC doesnt matter??? i can buy any of those cards and they will be good?? becuz im just looking at cards over 567MHz Core Clock and i found some within my price range i think that core clock is wat makes ur graphics faster rite??? can u also answer my other question?? http://www.google.com?p=40620680#40620680

Something like that… Why to bother with things that you don’t know or even don’t understand.. Just buy card that you like and want and problem is solved. Don’t bother!
Answer #6
Google is miracle.....
does it matter if all the cards i see is 400MHz does it mean there all the same?? kinda the same all???

RAMDAC built on todays graphic video cards usually runs on 400MHz clock rate. With new technologies like DVI, HDMI the DAC part in RAMDAC will soon become obsolete.
so RAMDAC doesnt matter??? i can buy any of those cards and they will be good?? becuz im just looking at cards over 567MHz Core Clock and i found some within my price range i think that core clock is wat makes ur graphics faster rite??? can u also answer my other question?? http://www.google.com?p=40620680#40620680

Something like that... Why to bother with things that you don't know or even don't understand.. Just buy card that you like and want and problem is solved. Don't bother!
X D if i buy a worst card then wat i already have wats the point o.o
Answer #7
RAMDAC is for your analog 2d display, nothing to do with gaming performance
speed and RAMDAC have no relation


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