Video Card Issue

August 2nd, 2016

I have not been on my main pc for a couple of days and now that I turn it on my video card is making really weird noises. They get quiter and louder varying about every 1 – 2 minutes or so and it sounds similar to some sort of bug or a quieter version of a cricket.
It is really annoying, I think this might have happened once in the past but it went away quickly (not happening now)
My video card is a Nvidia XFX 8600 GT. I would say only 3 – 4 months old or so.

Answer #1
Have you made sure its clean, could be dust/fluff slowing the fan.. if not i’m not sure
Answer #2
simply open case , take out video card , put off fan, and put it back… i got same thing every week , im pretty much sure its just hw little prob.
Answer #3
look in the case if the fan hits anything (lose wire orso). if not then maybe one of those little bullet thingys are broken


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