Using TinyPic

August 5th, 2016

Hi Guys
I’ve always loved used { } to host my images, but since a week ago, that click/copy feature doesn’t work anymore !
Before when I uploaded an image, I use to click once in the IMG field, and the IMG code would be selected and copied, so I all I had to do is paste it.
Now I am having to right click on it and choose Copy from the menu !! it is annoying
I use FireFox 3 and I wonder if anyone knows why this has happened and how I can restore things back to the good old ways.
PS. I thought this might be a FireFox 3 problem, so I went over to IE7 and tried it there >> but again same thing
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Answer #1
Try right click on mouse then chose copy….
Answer #2
Yes I know that right click Copy works
But How come it doesn’t work like before !!!
Before I use to click it once only and that would copy it and ready for paste !!!
Answer #3
maybe an application upgrade by tinypic?
Answer #4
Hmm yes that is the only thing I could think of so I think you might be correct there Mr.


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