Using free website templates to sell to a third party

August 1st, 2016

I recently downloaded a free template from a website and i modified it and sold it to a third party.
But one of the terms of usage of the website from where i downloaded the template is You are not allowed to put these Free Web Templates on a diskette, CD, web site or any other medium and offer them for redistribution or resale.
So guys i want to know what are the chances that they might catch me and sue because i used their free template to sell it to a third party.
Thanks for your help.

Answer #1
If it is a very large website and the design of your website is the same as their template, then they will find out somehow. If they are a fairly low reputation company and you changed the design slightly, then they most likely will not find you.
Answer #2
If you have changed more than 50% of the template then really it’s now yours.
You’ll just have to give them back for the rest; they won’t sue you really, it’s pointless.
Answer #3
The company i think is not very big…must be a medium size….Well it looks totally different but some codes are the same….Do u think there r stil chanced tht they can catch me
Answer #4
If it looks totally different then no. They will not bother to check the code. But remember to check the code to make sure that it does not say about their website on.
Answer #5
Oh ok..Thanks..wat a relief mate…Yah it looks totally different and the codes doesn day nything about their website..
Answer #6
i changed this website template and it look diffrent from original


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