Troubleshoot CD/DVD rom for laptop – need help please

August 7th, 2016

Hi guys,
I recently been trying to figure out what’s wrong with this CD/DVD rom. Maybe it’s broken but before I make that decission I would like to be sure.
So this CD/DVD rom does not read any discs. Not even trying to.
When you go to ‘this computer’ the drive does not show up, but when you go to ‘manage’ and search for disk-drive I see the drive (with no yellow marks). So what is your guess?
Laptop is running on Win XP…
Please need help.

Answer #1
Sounds like an OS problem to me. Follow this guide:
Answer #2
@: Reading the conclusion beneath the article it might be helpfull.
I have tried this HowTo on my laptop and at step 8 there weren’t any upper or lowerfilters. I assume because I have no issues with my drive.
I will update the results asap with the ‘broken’ one!
Answer #3
The class key name ({4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318) might be different on your OS, You should go over all of em til you see “DVD/CD-ROM drives” on the right side (Under the data column) Set that aside, I still think it’s an OS problem (As it’s recognized in device manager, But not on “My Computer”)
But if you wanna be 110% sure, Then the best way to test it is to use a bootable disc (Such as a Windows disc, Or memtest) Just adjust the boot order accordingly in your BIOS and see how it goes
Edit: You could also try removing it from device manager, Restart afterward so it’d re-detect it.
Answer #4
I don’t really know what you by ‘under the data column’. I did find something with the code {4D36E967-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} and class ‘diskdrive’ – is this maybe how I can recognize it?
On a sidenote, there is no errorcode (yellow questionmark or exclamation mark) at device management when looking at the CD/DVD drive. I was reading the following and was wondering where this errorcode is mentioned:
Answer #5
This pic will clarify it for you:
And no, It’s not that particular class you were asking about (diskdrive=HDDs) Also, Even if you have no error code on your optical drive in device manager, Removing the upper/lower filters
could still prove useful!
Answer #6
Ah, I see, found it under {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} but no mentioning of the filters. I do clarify again, this laptop’s optical drive works fine (tested it once) and it shows the drive – but I was just double checking before I try this HowTo on the ‘broken’ one. And also, I don’t use my CD/DVD… maybe that’s why there are nog filters?
Answer #7
this laptop's optical drive works fine (tested it once) and it shows the drive
But you previously stated that it’s not showing on “my computer”?
but I was just double checking before I try this HowTo on the 'broken' one
Not sure what you mean by that!
Are you saying you haven’t even tried removing the upper/lower filters from your laptop yet, At all?
And also, I don't use my CD/DVD... maybe that's why there are nog filters?
That’s not it!
By default settings, There are no filters present (They only get added when you install certain apps – Mainly ones that have burning capabilities) Also, As I previously pointed out, You could try removing it from device manager.
Answer #8
Correct, there are 2 laptops. One laptop with the CD issue as explained in my first post and another laptop that is working fine.
So before I head over to fix this issue on laptop A (with the CD issues) I first tried to examine the HowTo on my personal laptop B (the one that’s working and showing fine).
So I m guessing there are no filters on laptop B nor laptop A (which I havent checked yet) because both dont use third party apps such as Nero, IMGburner, etc… What remains is your trick by trying to remove it from the device manager, right?
Any other things I would need to know?
Answer #9
So before I head over to fix this issue on laptop A (with the CD issues) I first tried to examine the HowTo on my personal laptop B (the one that's working and showing fine).
I don’t see what was the point in doing that. Set that aside, You should really be more specific in the future!
Do remember that what’s obvious to you is not necessarily obvious to others.
So I m guessing there are no filters on laptop B nor laptop A (which I havent checked yet) because both dont use third party apps such as Nero, IMGburner, etc.
Don’t make any guesses, Just check!
Any other things I would need to know?
Answer #10
Try the answers here:
Answer #11
Will update soon. Thanks for the effort guys.
Answer #12
Hey guys, I went out to get the laptop and it had no upper/lower filters which I was afraid of;
I also uninstalled from device manager. Didn’t work out as I thought it would be: It detected the new hardware and continued installing but the result was the same…
There’s also one unknown device. I checked the hardware ID, it mentions:

I also checked out the geekstogo topic:
1/ The patch: merged, restart, XP seems to find new hardware, installs: no result
2/ Device manager: no result
3/ I don’t have the CD/DVD from XP. Haven’t started the scan.
4/ This is supposed to be a fresh install so I haven’t started the repair (I’m more familiar with reinstalling XP than running a scan/repair).
So? Should I reinstall? Or would someone be interested for a teamview session (it’s a clean XP install).
Thanks for any effort…
Answer #13

There's also one unknown device. I checked the hardware ID, it mentions:

See this post:
I also uninstalled from device manager. Didn't work out as I thought it would be: It detected the new hardware and continued installing but the result was the same
Mind being more specific?
Is it still unrecognized in “My Computer”, Or is it now recognized but still doesn’t read anything?
Should I reinstall?
Not yet!
Try using a bootable CD/DVD disc in order to test the drive. Any Windows disc would do, Or you could just download a memtest ISO and use that. You’re gonna have to adjust the boot settings in BIOS accordingly of course.
Anyways, If it’s all good in that department, Then try using System Restore.
Answer #14
I also uninstalled from device manager. Didn't work out as I thought it would be: It detected the new hardware and continued installing but the result was the same
Mind being more specific?
Is it still unrecognized in "My Computer", Or is it now recognized but still doesn't read anything?

Hey, it was still unrecognized in ‘My computer’, and still showing up at ‘device manager’.
However, I was looking up some tutorials on YouTube and found one tut that was the same as we were discussing above:
If you watch @3:18 then this guys made upper/lower class filters just to show us and specifically mentioned NOT to make these classes. I, however, have nothing to loose so I made these 2 classes, then restarted and I heard the CD in the DVD-driver start to spin and when XP finished booting up, the drive showed up in ‘My computer’. It also reads the CD. How is this possible? Is this issue fixed now?
Should I reinstall?
Not yet!
Try using a bootable CD/DVD disc in order to test the drive. Any Windows disc would do, Or you could just download a memtest ISO and use that. You're gonna have to adjust the boot settings in BIOS accordingly of course.
Anyways, If it's all good in that department, Then try using System Restore.

Hey, I don’t know what system restore should do, but isn’t that supposed to fix issues that weren’t there previously? This issue was here from the start (it’s a clean XP install).
Secondly, what do you mean by memtest ISO, that’s a bootable app for memory testing or am I consfusing things now?
Answer #15
In Disk Management, has the drive been allocated a drive letter ?
Answer #16
He just meant to use ANY bootable disc – a boot disc starts before windows gets its dirty hands on hardware.
So if it boots to memtest OK (you don’t need to use memtest, just boot to it) then it means the hardware is Ok and the problem s Windows.
Answer #17
In Disk Management, has the drive been allocated a drive letter ?
Before or after the issue? I haven’t checked before, but I can check after because I tried this:
I made these 2 classes, then restarted [...] and when XP finished booting up, the drive showed up in 'My computer'. It also reads the CD.
He just meant to use ANY bootable disc - a boot disc starts before windows gets its dirty hands on hardware.
So if it boots to memtest OK (you don't need to use memtest, just boot to it) then it means the hardware is Ok and the problem s Windows.

Oh, I see. I have some spare Linux CD’s laying around.
Answer #18
the drive showed up in 'My computer'. It also reads the CD. How is this possible? Is this issue fixed now?
Is this a rhetorical question?
If you see it’s working, Then it is. Unless you’re having hallucinations of course!
Answer #19
No, it’s not rethorical. I want to know why it is adviced to not make any upper/lowerfilters while I did this and this made my drive work. So I actually did a very stupid work around. I am not hallucinating!
I am wondering if it would break down or conflict with certain software… So case closed I guess, although the solution I did was very stupid and simple…
Answer #20
That is technically not what’s advised, To be more accurate, It’s advised to delete those filters in cases where your optical drive is unrecognized or fails to read discs as sometimes such filters could render it useless. And for the record, If you have only the registry strings in there (Without any data in em), Then you don’t have any actual filters installed.
As for why that solution worked, I can’t tell you as I find it quite odd myself.
My best guess is that there is something wrong with your XP copy, Maybe it was modified by a 3rd party and that person messed it up, Or it could be that this issue is actually a bug in XP itself which was later on fixed. For future XP reinstalls, Better use an untouched copy (And preferably one that has SP3 integrated!)
Answer #21

There's also one unknown device. I checked the hardware ID, it mentions:

See this post:

I found the ‘Quick Launch’ but I haven’t found the ‘ProtectSmart’. The first did not solve the unknown device:
For future XP reinstalls, Better use an untouched copy (And preferably one that has SP3 integrated!)
Hey, I have an untouched copy (on USB), that’s why I was considering re-installing a fresh XP.
That is technically not what's advised, To be more accurate, It's advised to delete those filters in cases where your optical drive is unrecognized or fails to read discs as sometimes such filters could render it useless. And for the record, If you have only the registry strings in there (Without any data in em), Then you don't have any actual filters installed.
As for why that solution worked, I can't tell you as I find it quite odd myself.

Can you advise me something: Should I delete those two filters and see what wil happen after restart? And then ‘install’ them again (without registery strings) and see if I can reproduce this?
Answer #22
I found the 'Quick Launch' but I haven't found the 'ProtectSmart'. The first did not solve the unknown device:
Dude, There’s a reason both of em are highlighted in blue on the post I referred you to… That’s because they’re both links! Can you advise me something: Should I delete those two filters and see what wil happen after restart? And then 'install' them again (without registery strings) and see if I can reproduce this?
Have you ever heard the phrase “If it ain’t broke, Don’t fix it”?
Seriously, You have no reason to fiddle with it now. Just let it go.
Answer #23
I found the 'Quick Launch' but I haven't found the 'ProtectSmart'. The first did not solve the unknown device:
Dude, There's a reason both of em are highlighted in blue on the post I referred you to... That's because they're both links!

Yes, the first one is for dv4-1210eo, so I looked the same file but for the 6710b (see above link). The second link is a direct link to the file, so I wasn’t sure if this would be compatible, that’s why I did not download and install it. I will do it now.
EDIT: I tried to isntall the linked file, and it says ‘can not install under any previous version than VISTA X86’.
Answer #24
This one should do the trick:
Answer #25
This one should do the trick:

Installed and the yellow question mark and unknown device is gone now. Thanks.
I have a new update concerning the CD/DVD-rom:
I noticed the drive does not always show up. The first time I noticed this none of the USB drives worked. So I checked ‘my computer’ and there where no drives except C:/
After reboot everything was fine again…
Now the USB-drive shows up when I boot while it’s plugged and no CD/DVD-drive.
Sometimes none are plugged in and no CD/DVD-drive.
Sometimes after reboot everything works fine: CD/DVD-drive and the USB-drive get’s recognized.
Sometimes no recognition of the USB-drive and no CD/DVD-drive

I got myself another hard disk and will install XP on it. I will also scan the current hard disk.
EDIT: The used hard disk should be OK. Also got another CD/DVD-drive to try out.
Update: Changed the CD/DVD-drive and booted multiple times: No issues. I guess there was something wrong with the drive after all… I will test the drive on another laptop.
Update 2: The drive is not recognized in another laptop. Nor in disk management, nor in device managemnt. Also does not appear in ‘my computer’.
Answer #26
So guys, I tested the drive in question and I came to the conclusion that it is broken and/or on the edge of breaking apart. As my last result was using 2 working ones and the drive in question on a laptop with no issues. The 2 working ones had no issues showing up and being recognized. The other one was broken.
Thanks for the help, especially , since both drivers got fixed and also for changing the drive.


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