Transfer to a new Web Host!

March 23rd, 2014

I currently have a reseller account with Hostgator but the problem is the server is in US and my clients are based in UK so there is a bit of lag between them and the server. I am getting 200ms latency when I ping the server.
I was thinking of moving to but I am going to loose all my clients email address etc when I transfer! Is there anyway to be able to backup there email passwords and accounts to transfer over? Or will I have to reset all there passwords?
I just pinged and its 60ms however when I ping I get 12ms :S Anyone know any other fast UK hosts?

Answer #1
I hope that for the sake of your clients that you’re not hosting email on shared or reseller hosting.
Answer #2
Yes on a reseller account why whats so bad about that?
Answer #3
Well one thing, you have no control over the mail server and second they will limit the outgoing mail queue so you can only send a limited amount of email in the set period. If you don’t have a lot of clients consider switching to Google Apps Free.
Answer #4
I have used Google Apps for my own emails, I will look into doing it for my clients aswel! thanks for the tip.
Answer #5
you can try this but i don’t if it’s going to work
in cpenal go to backup and the click on full backup – (is when you move to a different host) or you can click on email forwarder


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