Transfer a file from FTP to another FTP

August 2nd, 2016

Hi people
I want to transfer a big file ( Zip file which contain my backup ) to another host So please can someone help me ? which script is needed to transfer my file to another ftp ?
I don’t have Cpanel / whm between

Answer #1
do you have shell access to your new server? Or are you stuck with ftp being your only form of transfer?
Option 1
If you have shell access.. just wget the file off of your new server. wget ftp://youroldhost/pathtofile/filename.ex
option 2
there are services like that can do the transfer for you as well.
option 3 using some fxp software which does ftp to ftp transfers. I.E.
Hope this is helpful to you, if you need any additional help you can feel free to hit me up via message.
Answer #2
Thank you a lot! Yes i have ssh on both server
Can you explain me in details please ?


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