Transfare Files To Another Computer

January 27th, 2020

IS there a way of doing this by just using a Ethernet wire (what you use for the internet)

Answer #1
Yes there is and it is problably the most used method btw. You need an Ethernet port on each machine and either a ‘crossover’ cable to connect them or two ‘straight-thru’ cables and a hub or switch.
Answer #2
well I have a cable going from my modem to the PC as it is the same fitting on each end…
What do I do after that??
Answer #3
Sorry for double post
I dont have a HUB either
Answer #4
well you dont need one plug one end into one pc and the other into the other computer
Then just go through XP’s little homenetwork thing on both computer and should be able to see the network and folders you put on there on both sides
Answer #5
If you hold both ends of a cable side by side and the colored wires inside each connector are wired in the same manner then you have yourself a straight-thru cable…
Does your other PC have an Ethernet port?
It looks like you will need to purchase or borrow some items if you plan to do what you asked about in the opening post.
Answer #6
yes they are both the same wires on each end, all I need to do is transfare around 10gb at a time to another computer, and both PC and Laptop have Ethernet Ports
Answer #7
Well you cannot simply connect the two computers together with that type (Straight-thru) of cable. It will require a Crossover cable or one more Straight-thru cable and a Hub or Switch if your strategy expressed in the opening post is to be implemented.


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