Trafficshare on increased by 50 GB?!

August 5th, 2016

Dear reader,
i used to have 8 GB trafficshare left but all of a sudden that is now 58 GB.
Is there any reason for this or is this just a bug?
Thanks in advance,

Answer #1
yea, it upgraded me too, must be a mass upgrade
i wish they would upgrade the download from 50gb’s to 100gb’s instead
Answer #2
Check out their news post.
50 Gigabytes for Free
October 23, 2008
To give every premium user the chance to try out the new side of traffic share right away, we have granted everyone 50 gigabytes extra. Go and see yourself how easy it is to expand your download limit with TrafficShare. You can check out your account status by logging into your premium zone. http://~ Dead file host ~/news.html

Answer #3
Every premium account has been upgraded with 50 GBs extra TrafficShare. ‘m loving it
Answer #4
Thats amazing, thanks to rapidshare .

Answer #5
But they also limited the download to 2,66GB/day (80GB/month)
Answer #6
But they also limited the download to 2,66GB/day (80GB/month)
Glad to see someone else not worshiping RS.
Answer #7
Yeh, they are still trying to push people into using Trafficshare.
Answer #8
Also anonymous uploads can now only be downloaded 10 times?? Wow, RS is shooting itself in the foot. It may have something to do with the recent lawsuits.
Answer #9
Also anonymous uploads can now only be downloaded 10 times?? Wow, RS is shooting itself in the foot. It may have something to do with the recent lawsuits.
Naaa they just suck more.
Answer #10
i JUST got a new rs account so i didnt get the free 50gb im gutted lol never gettin RS agen too soon i suggest usenet
Answer #11
I can irritate myself to people who don’t even take the effort to read if there’s a related topic already.
Answer #12
Brammieyv, shut you ass up boy, I dont read anything in the world around here.

We like to encourage politeness here at so please be positive in all feedback regardless of your comments. Such comments are not needed.

Answer #13
it’s just a candy to fool us… don’t forget that they switch the limit from 10G/a day down to 80G/month, which means that we went from a possible 300G/month to 80G…oO
Answer #14
wow this is so cool thanx for the info
Answer #15
I can irritate myself to people who don't even take the effort to read if there's a related topic already.

Except that post was posted on the 24th, and this one was posted on the 23rd.


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