Tablet/Smartphone repair

November 6th, 2016

Does anyone know any good video series or eBooks or w/e about tablet and smartphone repair? I’m looking to expand knowledge at this sector, currently just using random internet knowledge (ifixit etc) but I wonder if there’s anything else. Don’t mind paying for it. On an unrelated subject, can anyone suggest a good epoxy glue (brand I mean) FROM EXPERIENCE? I keep hearing it makes a great job with metal/plastic etc but what I’ve tried so far produces mixed/bad results. Thanks a lot
Answer #1
PC-7 is probably the best epoxy. as far as iphone/tablet repair goes, that’s something that would take you years to learn, and cost hundreds of dollars for the equipment. they use SMD components, so you’ll need a good magnifier, and a very steady hand to unsolder/solder those components…
Answer #2
PC-7 is probably the best epoxy. as far as iphone/tablet repair goes, that's something that would take you years to learn, and cost hundreds of dollars for the equipment. they use SMD components, so you'll need a good magnifier, and a very steady hand to unsolder/solder those components...
Thank you, I have an intermediate knowledge on electrics and electronics and have repaired several laptops and desktops with success including some board repairs, what I’m asking is a way to be able to know some standards for the generic random Chinese tablet/smartphone models etc, I have every tool necessary already. Thanks for the glue, it’s cheap too, I’ll order one and try it.
Answer #3
Be prepared to run into “proprietary information”. because releasing such information would make tablet/smartphone devices compromised by hackers. I ran into that years ago, while trying to get info on resetting a fax machine that went wacky.. the companies that make these products, and the Engineers that design them, are very secretive, they want you to have the product repaired by them, so their product is not compromised.. maybe some info leaked out though.. that is a specialized field particular to the product, and I never did Engineering for such a company. Good Luck though..


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