System Requirements Check

August 18th, 2013

hey guys,, could you help me if what OS could possibly run on my netbook?
Here’s my Specs:
Intel(R) Atom (TM)
CPU N270 @ 1.60Ghz
797 MHz, 0.99GB of RAM
149 GB of Hard Disk Space
(Not sure if 32 bit or 64bit)
Could you help me if what OS would be compatible with it?..
Oh!, by the way it doesn’t come with a Disc Drive
so if you have links for tutorials for making a Bootable USB for my reformatting
it would be great.. Thanks again..

Answer #1
I will suggest you to go For A Windows XP as Win 7 will not operate smoothly on your Netbook !
Answer #2
get either windows xp or Windows 7 starter edition. Windows 7 starter edition is good for netbooks but windows xp is better for netbook or weak computers
Answer #3
TinyXP or Linux
Answer #4
Will fly on your netbook. Avoid xp like the plague its not secure anymore.
Answer #5
Choose a good Linux Distro. Mint is good:
Answer #6
XP Pro SP3 or Linux. You might want to also consider upgrading the RAM to 2 GB.
To install XP from a flash drive, you can use WinToFlash
Linux distro’s use Pendrivelinux
I got one of these for my netbook and stuck a 1TB HDD and a Sony Optiarc optical drive in it, very handy, and less than £5.
Answer #7
-abdul- replied: I will suggest you to go For A Windows XP as Win 7 will not operate smoothly on your Netbook !
Yah, i guess, Cause the current OS is Windows XP SP2 might be good for SP3..thanks!
eminembeastfan2 replied: get either windows xp or Windows 7 starter edition. Windows 7 starter edition is good for netbooks but windows xp is better for netbook or weak computers
May be i’ll go for Windows XP . Thanks for the reply by the way
vigk replied: TinyXP or Linux
don’t know how to operate those OS thanks by the way
ED-E replied:
Will fly on your netbook. Avoid xp like the plague its not secure anymore.

Thanks for the link..
Khozik replied: Choose a good Linux Distro. Mint is good:

hmmm.. not much into Linux OS.. but thanks by the way for the reply
the Meerkat replied: XP Pro SP3 or Linux. You might want to also consider upgrading the RAM to 2 GB.
To install XP from a flash drive, you can use WinToFlash
Linux distro's use Pendrivelinux
I got one of these for my netbook and stuck a 1TB HDD and a Sony Optiarc optical drive in it, very handy, and less than £5.

Is the Wintoflash okay?,, cause i’ve found some tutorials here on how to make a bootable usb,, but it’s okay ..i’ll try that too, thanks!
and i can’t upgrade my RAM cause ,it’s just a netbook, and i think’s its un-unpgradable netbook though.. i guess .. thanks!
Answer #8
I will also suggest you to Increase your Ram by One Gb as only One Gb as according to me is very Less ! You will continue to face problems in the coming time with so less Ram ……….hope u will like my Suggestion ……………Enjoy Friend Gud Luck !


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