SSD drive which one is better please

January 23rd, 2020

Hi looking at getting an ssd drive. Seen 2 but could someone who is clued up about these things tell me which one is the best please.

Answer #1
The Samsung EVO is usually considered to be the best..
Answer #2
I agree with , Samsung SSD are better than any other ones out there (in general) , while Crucial drives are not bad either, Samsung is in general more reliable and a tad faster than the competition.
Personally, I have currently 2 Samsung SSD (830 Series) drives installed, as well as 2 Corsair F90 installed.
considering the Corsairs to be an older generation , can’t really compair them, but the Samsung drives are just great, no problems and a wonderful speed.
Go for the Samsung ones
Answer #3
Thanks guys i’m actually looking at buying the drive to use as a windows to go drive as need portability for use on the go for work.
I believe this should operate as fast as it would as if it was placed inside a laptop. But someone could have other assumptions?
Answer #4
If you are dropping the drive into an external enclosure, you are wasting your $ on a SSD!
You are limited to USB speed doing that. A USB 3 device therefore is just as fast as using an external SSD. I can say that I actually have an older SSD that would normally have gone to the tech graveyard into an enclosure, and quite frankly, I think that it is actually slower than any of my USB3s.
Answer #5
Rick – not if it’s an eSata external..
Answer #6
True enough FB .. but to have win on-the-go using a esata connection when many computers (especially laptops) don’t have an esata external port would severely limit where you could use the esata option
Answer #7
Thanks for the replys. So even the newer ssd’s i wouldnt benefit?
I have a 1tb usb 3.0 hdd so could use that if speeds would be no better
Answer #8
If you are connecting through USB3 you are limited to USB3 speeds.
As FB noted, if you purchase an external enclosure with an esata connection, the SSD would perform faster.
So it depends on what computer/laptop you would normally be using Win to go on. If they have external esata connections, go for it. If they don’t or might not, buying the SSD for win to go is like having a Porsche that you use to drive to your neighbours two doors down.
Answer #9
Could you tell me why if an ssd is inside a laptop its faster through its internal connection then connecting it externally through usb? Thanks
Answer #10
Different hardware has different limitations:
USB 2.0 – maximum bandwidth of 480 Mbit/s
USB 3.0 – maximum bandwidth of 5 Gbit/s (More than 5 times USB 2.0)
eSATA – maximum bandwidth of 6 Gbit/s
*note these are the max – not what you should ever expect to see ———-
It doesn’t look at if USB3 is that much slower than esata (external or internal – same rate applies), but in real life, I find esata is consistently and noticeably faster.
A current gen SSD maxs at 6 – USB3 would limit it to 5, and then expect real-times to be slower than the 5.
Answer #11
Think i’ve found a solution
Answer #12
A standard USB3 external enclosure. That “optimized” part is just advertising. The potential issue with this one is that it is a plastic enclosure. you will find a aluminum one keeps heat away from the drive (if you swap out the ssd for a 2.5″ hard drive for example) and is more durable when transporting.
They seem to have an aluminum one too on the first tab.
Answer #13
Just in the middle of watching a youtube video where a guy is testing the product with the samsung evo ssd and hes proving what i was wanting to here.
Check it out from around 18 mins in
Answer #14
You can only get the speed of the slowest component in the chain.
A USB3 hard drive will be the same speed as a USB3 SSD for all intensive purposes. You just can’t get away from the actual hardware limitations.
All of the oooo’s and ahhhh’s associated with SSD just aren’t justified in the external USB3 world. Now on the nextgen (10G/s or reportedly maybe even 20G/s), absolutely, but we are not there yet
Answer #15
Well ive watched the majority of the video and its enough evidence to show if you put these two products together which is the exact purpose i need it for,
You will get a hell of a lot faster read and write speeds then a hdd in a 3.0 external enclosure
Answer #16
I can only tell you what my experience is, and that is not consistent with the vid. Can you go wrong with buying a SSD – nope, so I say go for it. Maybe report back with your experience
Answer #17
video must be pure trickery then lol
Answer #18
Probably not .. but I can set a system up to have make it appear that a USB1 device is faster than a USB3 one. It’s all in the setup mate
Answer #19
One thing that does baffle me though is why so many people are saying that these two products are giving them read/write speeds comparable with internal SSD’s.
Answer #20
Exactly…. they can’t unless the internal drives are not setup properly.
Answer #21
Think i’ll side with the 100 plus reviews they cant all be set up wrong lol
Answer #22
Like I said, you can’t go wrong with the SSD, but prepare yourself for the WOW factor disappointment, just in case.
Answer #23
Your actually wrong. I’ll go with the proven result over your assumptions that have no evidence at all. You haven’t tested this so
your view isnt credible.
Answer #24
Actaully Intel SSDs are the BEST….. If you can afford them..
I have 4 and mine are not intel thanks to their price.
Answer #25
I have the Samsung 250GB EVO its a beast, but the difference between the two is very small, but my vote goes to the Samsung.
Answer #26
Like many others, I would recommend the samsung
Answer #27
I sold IT to large hospitals and clinics in the southeastern part of the US. I love crucial, I have over a four year old SSD in my Toshiba Portege that I just timed and beat the boot up time when I first installed it. Amazing product. Every time I up-sold Crucial to replace HDD’s I never received one complaint, only compliments. Intel, Kingston, etc. I’d always have something pop up and deal with BS for a day or two.


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