Split files with Winrar in equal parts

August 4th, 2016

Hi guys.
Is there any option to split files with Winrar in equal parts?
For example, lets ay i have a file which has size 839,4 MB and i want to split it in 5 equal parts with winrar without having to calculate the size of each splitted part.
Can Winrar do this automatically for me?

Answer #1
How many forums have you posted this on? lol
Is it really that hard to calculate?
PS: Unless the file is already compressed, the compression rate is unknown, which means the resulting file size is unknown…
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Answer #2
try using HJSplit
Answer #3
lets say i have a file which has size 839,4 MB and i want to split it in 5 equal parts
8,394 / 5 = ~1678 MB parts.
just use a calculator.


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